DigDog - Cubes of beef live
✓ Available
✗ Not available
- Weight: 85 g
Prevention of iron deficiency and avitaminosis. 100 grams ofdry liver includes the daily norm for vitamins: groups C, A, E, K,D, B and trace elements: iron, sodium, copper, zinc andphosphorus. In a dry liver, stimulates the growth anddevelopment of the pet's bone tissue, strengthens the immunesystem, maintains blood health, promotes muscle repair afteractive workouts. Significantly improves the condition of furand skin, the dog becomes more active and delights you with agood feel.
Nutritional value 100 g of product: protein 151 g, fat 11 g,carbohydrates 0 g, 321 kcal.
Suitable for:
- small dogs
- medium sized dogs
- big dogs
The lungs of cattle are rich in:
iron, sodium, copper, zinc and phosphorus